Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day 2 of the Air Force School


Another day in Peru and it is nice to finally be working into a routine. As mentioned before we have Spanish school for most of the morning followed by an hour of lunch, then two hours at the Air Force school. One of the best moments today hit me while in class at El Sol. I was listening to our teacher Carmen explain grammar and it hit me, we have successfully lived in another country for a whole week. This might not seem like much on paper but to me it proves that I am capable of functioning in another city where English is not the primary language. I have started thinking in Spanish and dreaming in Spanish and when someone talks I recognize the words for what they are and not continuously translating them in my head.

The Flight School today was fun and we had more time with the students than yesterday. Today in our class we talked about favorite vacations spots. Some of the ones we talked about were New York City, Niagra Falls, Washington DC, and Disney. I was reluctant to mention Philadelphia until we decided to also say where we were from, and do my surprise one of the kids actually knew of my city from Rocky. We answered a bunch of questions they had about parts of the United States but near the end of the period their real interest showed. Just like students in America they asked to take selfies with us. We spent the rest of the day just talking to the students and practicing their English outside of class as we waited for our lecture to begin. I think the students really liked being able to talk out of the gaze of their teachers because many who did not talk during the lesson seemed much more adventurous in talking once they could speak freely.

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