Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Another Day in UNIFE


It is hump day in Lima and we are all starting to get a little anxious for the end of the trip. There is talk about how all of us students are planning to spend our last couple days. I'm very content with our time here and because we have two free days to end the trip I must accomplish the last thing on my bucket list, go to Chinatown. It amazes me that there is even a chinatown here but if I really thought about it I shouldn't be that surprised. If you are wondering why I am writing about this it is because it was a particularly slow day. El Sol was more practice with the subjunctive, and we finally got to the last of Peru's indigenous cultures (the Incas incase you were wondering).

In UNIFE we had a lecture on Peruvian architecture. The lecture was about as dry as much of the morro that the oldest buildings are made off (pun intended). At the very least however it did get me excited to see these building, mean of which were in Cuzco. We followed this lecture with presentations and sharing a bit more about American culture. I think the funniest was trying to explain a tailgate to the students. I'm not sure why Jake went about explaining a tailgate and then never mentioning the fact that alcohol plays a huge role but that is how he explained it to them. It is a little funny because we all seem to do this, kind of explain American culture in the best light even when talking to other students our age in a country much more liberal with regards to those aspects.
If you're wondering why this post is so short, I'd like to direct you to the second sentence where I tried to make a joke about mud. Tomorrow is my day to present so off to studying for me.

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