Saturday, June 4, 2016

Final Day in the City Centre


I do believe today was the last day in the city centre of Lima and it was definitely the most beautiful by far. We started off early visiting the Government palace, the home of Peru's old viceroys. The building was beautiful with enormous halls filled with grand Italian tiling and stained glass ceilings. In the first hall we walked into the guide informed us that hanging in the center was the biggest chandelier in South America. I personally had fun making funny faces at the guards trying to illicit a reaction which I was unable to to, however one did fix his hat after I told him it was crooked. Of all the rooms one of my favorites was a giant portraits of Tupac Amaru in rainbow with a bunch of hand prints bellow. I think the vibrant colors really caught my eye and made it stick. After we went into the Cathedral of Lima the place of work for Limas centuries old Archbishops. The inside was enormous and I couldn't stop thinking about all the church I neglected to enjoy as a child that Ken and Jeff (mis padres) took me to. It was in the same shape as most churches, a cross. Along the longer portion of the cross were about 4 inlets that had gigantic displays of famous Catholic persons including Jesus and Mary. One cool fact we learned that the construction of the Cathedral was made out of wood and stone in anticipation of an earthquake. Wood would be more resistant. There was also a large collection of art and bishop artifacts in one of the side arms of the cross. We also got to see the catacombs where there was a collection of skulls and the tombs of each arch bishop including one that passed away in 2000. Finally after that we saw the church of the guard at 12 in front of the Government Palace. We saw a large collection of guards marching around the square behind the gate and another large portion of guards playing band instruments. It wasn't riveting but coming from a country where these things don't exist I was very fun to see. 

When we got back to Miraflores a large collection of us got lunch at La Lucha, a favorite sandwich shop on the side of Parque Kennedy. It was crazy busy and I would advise everyone to avoid at rush how which is usually about 1pm here. After which Kate was nice enough to come with me to paraglide (finally!) and watch my stuff. We met up with Ana and Jake in the park and it was honestly quite a fun time. We watched a bunch of slack liners do tricks and whole flips in front of us while I did some working out on the park machines. The sun came out just in time for a quick nap as the gliders were off on lunch break when I arrived. I finally had lift off at about 4:15pm and boy was it riveting. The straps held me in at a weird angle and I'm essentially sitting between my gliders legs. Jumping off the cliff is the scariest part but your body adjusts very quickly. The wind is pretty strong but as long as you keep looking forward it isn't anything worse than what is on the ground.  We flew down a ways along the coast and then back up. I think my favorite part was looking at Lima because it was so expansive. The city is HUGE with a multitude of different shaped buildings and streets. It looked more like a mountain range to me and the fog covered up the city in the distance so it looked like the metropolis went on forever. In the end they gave me memory stick to watch so incase I forget I'm not far away from memories. 

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